uploads/whipping post.jpg

whipping post (縛受鞭刑者的)鞭撻柱。

whipping top

There might have been lapses of an erring father but he wanted to turn over a new leaf and now , when at long last in sight of the whipping post , to lead a homely life in the evening of his days , permeated by the affectionate surroundings of the heaving bosom of the family 他本人是可能幾次誤入歧途的父親,可他渴望翻開新的一頁。如今終于面對被綁上去受鞭撻的笞柱,就巴不得周圍彌漫著家族的溫暖氣息,在團聚中度過晚年。他已經被環境熏陶成了英國人。